Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Mystery! - By Meg

I stared up at the ancient, concrete staircase leading towards the house.
Nobody knew what was inside and the secrets it held. However, there was only one thing that drove the children away. The Mystery!

No one believed any of the rumors that were told because everyone had their own beliefs of what lay behind those cracked, haunted doors.

I was here now and nothing could urge me away!

I bit down hard on my lip and I felt the warmth of my own blood trickling down my throat. Innocently I took my first step towards my potential doom, my frightened dog hiding behind my legs. Second by second I made my way to the door step.

I felt my heartbeat starting to flutter like a butterflies wings. I can’t believe I was here, it was every kids nightmare. I had been kidnapped by curiosity and there was no going back.

I closed my eyes, clenched my stomach, twisted the door knob and gently pressed open the door. I stared at the heavily drawn curtains letting in no light like it had a secret to hide. I tip toed quietly along the rotten, decaying, wooden floor. My dog had no choice but to follow. I urged down the hallway to the first door, slightly ajar. I opened it and was stunned at my sight.

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