Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Museum By Liam Brandwood

I approach the museum and make my way up the cracked stairs which crumble underneath my feet, showing their age. I am faced with huge marble pillars, which are struggling to hold the 500 year old building. Vines seem to hug the building and weeds grow through the concrete. There is a chill from the wind so I pull my ripped clothes around me and take one step with my muddy cut feet.

Each step I take and each bit of the marble that chips away. I start to realize the danger. If I get caught I will get killed.

Determination pushes me on as I creak open the door but it falls to the ground before I pull. The dark, spooky room sends shivers down my spine and my stomach tightens. The light tries to overpower the darkness but the ancient curtains block it out. My curiosity drags me to another room. The dust stinks the room and clogs my throat. I look at the old fashioned castle stairs but my second thoughts prevent me from wandering up it.

I hear something move, then a thud. It’s coming from upstairs, I stand there. Frozen. My eyes glued to the staircase. I quickly hide behind some rusted bird cages. Rats dart away from the stairs screeching like an attacked animal. The sound of someone slowly creeping down the stairs gets closer. The ghostly figure comes to a halt in the middle of the stairs, my heart skips a beat. He disappears in mid air. I am mystified yet scared to death. I start to ask myself questions. ''Where is he going to reappear? Did he see me?'' Suddenly all the rats and flies drop dead as I see the white ghost less than a meter away looking me dead in the eyes. ''Am I going to die?'' I think. That was the last thought I had.

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