Thursday, July 29, 2010

Haunted house-By Kieran

As I approach the old rusty house, the mist shimmers in the luminous old oil lamps. There are Gargoyles perched atop the crumbling brick pillars supporting the rusty iron gates, and their eyes seem to stare at me malevolently I shake myself mentally. “gargoyles don’t stare, stupid.” I murmur to myself.
“We Don’t?” squeaks a voice behind me. I spin around, tripping in my haste to find the owner of the voice. “Stupid human” comes a second, much lower voice. “of course we talk.”
I’m hearing things now, this place is really starting to creep me out.
I stumble through the graveyard, imagining the rotting corpses buried in ornate coffins beneath the damp brown soil.In the distance I hear a howl in the distance The decking creaks as I gingerly climb the stairs, expecting the rotten boards to collapse under my feet at any moment. As my hand reaches towards the door knocker I hear a cold, high cackle from the top of the house, where a lamp suddenly flickers to light. The door creaks open and a shriveled face wearing a tight, black skullcap pokes out of the doorway. “Come in, come in Mr Thompson, we’ve been expecting you.”
The old man beckons me inside, as a dark cloud of bats rise up from the apex of the musty old house, and a full moon comes into view.


Mr Eames said...

Excellent work Kieran. Not only have you set the scene you have started an intriguing storyline.

I really like ‘the mist shimmers in the luminous old oil lamps.’ Describes the atmosphere superbly.

You are putting a lot of effort into your work this term Kieran.

Dan131 said...

I really enjoyed reading your piece of writing. It really captured the moment. I liked your description in the line ‘rotting corpses buried in ornate coffins beneath the damp brown soil.’ I like the first 2 paragraphs that say “gargoyles don’t stare, stupid.” I murmur to myself.
“We Don’t?” squeaks a voice behind me. I spin around, tripping in my haste to find the owner of the voice. “Stupid human” comes a second, much lower voice. “of course we talk.”

From Thomas and Daniel

Harry's sweet blog!!! said...

I liked the 'gargoles' because you said they don't stare at you but they did. You captured my attention. I liked your story. From Harry Q

Photon's blog said...

Great story Kieran. you set the scene very well. I thought you could have carried the gargoyle part on a bit longer though
