Monday, October 18, 2010

Poem- by Kieran


I see seagulls,,
Soaring, swooping for seafood,
In the icy iron grey sea,
And dropping their catch,
like bombs from an air ship.


Two islands in the distance,
Shimmer in the mist,
And I taste the salty sea air,
Cold on my tongue.


I hear the birds screeching,
The wind blowing across the sand,
And the waves,
Crashing against the shore.


I feel the smooth, slippery sand against my skin,
And the wind whipping my hair.

The waves, the birds and me.

1 comment:

mackenzie said...

Hi awesome poem i like how the word solitude is repeated after each verse
also the sentence

In the icy iron grey sea,
And dropping their catch,
like bombs from an air ship.

is really cool
