Monday, October 18, 2010

Fate - By Sergio Cotogni

My feet curl into the warm,
soft sand, as I hear the song
of the seagulls, squawking

The sea breeze fills my mouth
which starts to water, as I try
to think of more pleasant things
apart from what I have to do.

I walk slowly towards the calm sea,
and I slip soundlessly through the ripples
to the bottom, were I shall rest,
'till tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tessa's Learning Log said...

Awesome work Sergio, nice work I really like the sentence “ The sea breeze fills my
Mouth” and “ I slip soundlessly through the ripples to the bottom” You have great use of language features. Overall nice work on your 2 poems keep up the good work.

By Mia and Tessa :)